Subscription-Based Offshore Intelligence

Discover information and insights about the global offshore wind sector with TGS' wind intelligence, powered by 4C Offshore.
Our dashboard is accessed via a web app and consists of several specialized intelligence modules and databases that provide detailed insights into the global offshore wind energy industry.

Global offshore wind market intelligence
Expert research, onboarding and support
Easy-to-use covering many sectors

Gain insight into the global offshore wind & transmission market

Analyze essential data and insights into the global offshore wind industry. As a premium subscriber, you'll have exclusive access to online and offline databases and analysis in the form of reports, newsletters, interactive online tools, data visualization, maps and industry news.

  • Detailed insights into global offshore wind farm projects – both installed and in the pipeline.
  • Key stakeholder companies and their roles, from developers to installers.
  • Forecasts, planning and installation timelines.
  • Updated hourly and available to download for offline use.

  • Frequently published expert market reports, updates and cheat sheets.
  • Identify early-stage project opportunities in valuable markets.
  • Reports cover legislative change, supply chain constraints, environmental factors and geopolitical influences for every major global offshore wind region.
  • Available as downloads for offline use.

  • Exclusive global news stories and insights delivered straight to your inbox daily, weekly, fortnightly or monthly – you choose.

  • Access to global offshore wind project timelines.
  • Detailed graphs and charts – future vessel charters, vessel supply and demand, market share analysis for turbine installers and manufacturers throughout the supply chain.
  • An interactive map with precise filtering options by wind farm status and measuring tools.

Offshore Market Intelligence Services

Strategic market intelligence for established market players and pioneering new entrants across the entire value chain. Access a mix of high-quality quarterly reports, databases, webinars, and online tools with dedicated customer support and research analysts.

We offer a selection of subscription options to suit your needs, each providing access to a wide range of intelligence modules.

Premium Subscription Options Tailored to You


Understand the offshore renewables market and make better decisions with access to the entire 4C Offshore database including expert analysis and tools.

Contact Us
  • Access all 4C Offshore Intelligence Database Modules:
    • Global Offshore Wind Farms
    • Offshore Transmission & Cables
    • Offshore Wind Logistics Vessels
    • Construction & Heavy Maintenance Vessels
    • Offshore Wind Turbines
  • Interactive map
  • Regular market insight reports
  • Online data visualization tools
  • Exclusive webinar access
  • Over 3,000 offshore wind farms
  • Over 2,000 vessels
  • Specs for over 250 turbine models
  • Details on over 4,500 contracts
  • Over 800 interconnectors
  • Subsea cables, offshore platforms, ports
  • Historical wind farm data
  • Offshore Wind Farm Specifications, Stakeholder and Supply Chain Contracts, Events
  • Auction & Leasing Round Analysis, Supply and Demand Analysis
  • CAPEX, OPEX and LCOE Models
  • Offshore Transmission, Substation & Cable Intelligence
  • Construction, Cable and O&M Vessel Specifications and Contracts
  • Offshore Wind Turbine Model Specifications & OEM & Power Curves

Also available:

Academic insights

A special subscription for students and academic institutions. Contact us for more details about this new pricing option.

GIS Spatial Data

Visualize the intelligence for enhanced clarity with access to boundary data for GIS use.

Contact Us
  • Comprehensive global spatial data with thousands of data points from over 3,100 offshore wind projects
  • Frequent updates
  • Flexible formats (ESRI Geodatabase, KML, and more)
  • Download for offline use and integrate through WFS/WMS feeds with daily updates
  • Advanced analytics and forecasting
  • Data supported by industry experts and powerful 4C Offshore intelligence
  • 3,100+ detailed wind farm boundaries
  • 30,000+ turbine positions
  • Cable routes : Export, Array, and transmission cable routes
  • substation / convertor station locations
  • Interconnector routes
  • Offline downloads and WFS/WMS feeds


Conduct real-time, dynamic site-specific analysis to explore opportunities, prepare bids and develop leases.

Request Free Trial
  • Access to global wind resource data sources
  • One-click assessments incl. Annual Energy Production (AEP) and revenue expectation
  • Comparison between portfolios and leases
  • Project and portfolio scenario builder
  • Team sharing
  • Time series and .wrg files download*
  • API*
  • High-resolution wind model baseline datasets*
  • Bankable floating LiDAR data*
  • Floating LiDAR campaign management*

*Additional features subject to subscription level

  • ERA5 at 8 different hub heights up to 205m
  • New European Wind Atlas (NEWA) at 3 hub heights up to 200m
  • Global Wind Atlas at 5 hub heights up to 200m
  • In-app usage of commercial and contextual data
  • Calibrated, high-resolution wind model baseline datasets over key lease rounds*, including:
    • Central Atlantic (US),
    • Carolinas (US),
    • California (US),
    • Oregon (US),
    • Scotland (UK),
    • Campos (BR)
  • Bankable quality wind, metocean and environmental observations in your location choice from our floating LiDAR systems constellation.

*Additional data subject to subscription level

Ask us about our premium subscription

Gain access to the 4C Offshore web app and dashboard, the powerful intelligence tool fueled by TGS offshore global wind market data and insights.

Full, unlimited access to exclusive offshore data and insight to fuel your wind development decisions.

Discover insights through detailed graphs and charts to help you calculate market shares and explore ownership stakes and costs.

Main Interest
I have read the privacy policy. and agree to the terms of service.

What Our Customers Say

"Impressive consolidation of offshore power cable installation activities in the North West European theatre in one publication."


"The database has become an invaluable tool with regard to business planning and the regular updates from the 4C Offshore team on the project specifics ensure that, as a tier 1 supplier, we remain well informed and able to react to market developments."

NKT Cables

"The level of detail available through a simple search process. Great communication alerts on recent worldwide developments within the wind industry."

UK Foundations Ltd.

Explore Our Services

  • Market Intelligence Subscriptions
  • Research
  • Market Consultancy
  • Maps

Our intelligence services encompass significant sectors within offshore renewable energy. This extensive resource, meticulously researched by our dedicated team of specialists, stands as the most comprehensive and verified collection available online.

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