Events on Nordsee One

Fully Commissioned
332.1MW Capacity
4C Offshore | Location Map: Lat(53.982) Lon(6.817)

Events overview for Nordsee One

Event Date Event Type Event


Event Source
Subscribers Only Subscribers Only

Event Date: Subscribers Only

Event Type: Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2022 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2022

Event Type: Turbine

Update April 20th 2022: ARGE N1, a joint venture b... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2021 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2021

Event Type: Turbine

Issues with the coating on the Main Rotor Shaft Be... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2021 Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2021

Event Type: Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Nordsee One GmbH (N1) is seeking contractors for ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2020 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2020

Event Type: Turbine

Nordsee One GmbH plans for a service and maintenan... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2019 Other

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2019

Event Type: Other

Nordsee One GmbH is seeking a service provider for... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2018 Financing Agreement

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2018

Event Type: Financing Agreement

Triodos Bank has invested in the Nordsee 1 offshor... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2018 Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2018

Event Type: Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Nordsee One GmbH published a tender for recurring... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2017 Fully Commissioned

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2017

Event Type: Fully Commissioned

Nordsee One offshore wind farm started commercial ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2017 Other

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2017

Event Type: Other

innogy placed the first German corporate Green Bon... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2017 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2017

Event Type: Turbine

All 54 turbines have now been installed. During th... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2017 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2017

Event Type: Turbine

52 of the 54 turbines have been installed.... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2017 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2017

Event Type: Turbine

44 of the 54 wind turbines have now been installed... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2017 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2017

Event Type: Turbine

Turbine installation reaches halfway point. 27 of ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2017 Grid Connection Available

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2017

Event Type: Grid Connection Available

ABB handed the DolWin2 converter station over to ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2017 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2017

Event Type: Turbine

A total of 20 of the 54 Senvion 6.2M126 wind turbi... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2017 Generating Power

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2017

Event Type: Generating Power

The first kilowatt-hour was exported to the grid. ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2017 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2017

Event Type: Turbine

The first Senvion 6.2M-126 turbine was installed b... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2016 Other

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2016

Event Type: Other

The operations and maintenance base at Norddeich w... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2016 Array Cable

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2016

Event Type: Array Cable

Siem Offshore Contractors confirmed that all 70km ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2016 Export Cable

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2016

Event Type: Export Cable

The vessels Siem Aimery and Siem Moxie began the i... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2016 Array Cable

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2016

Event Type: Array Cable

Siem completed the inter-array cable installation ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2016 Offshore Substation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2016

Event Type: Offshore Substation

The topside of the substation was placed on the fo... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2016 Offshore Substation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2016

Event Type: Offshore Substation

Nordsee One substation is ready to be sailed to it... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2016 Array Cable

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2016

Event Type: Array Cable

Siem Moxie arrived at the project site to carry ou... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2016 Offshore Substation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2016

Event Type: Offshore Substation

The jacket foundation for the offshore substation,... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2016 Offshore Substation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2016

Event Type: Offshore Substation

The heavy lift vessel Rambiz 3000 arrived on site ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2016 Foundation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2016

Event Type: Foundation

All 54 foundations, including monopiles and transi... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2016 Foundation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2016

Event Type: Foundation

GeoSea installed the 27th monopile and correspondi... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2016 Foundation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2016

Event Type: Foundation

Tenth foundation completed.... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Foundation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Foundation

The first monopile was installed months ahead of t... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Nordsee One GmbH put out a tender for "Maintenance... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Financial Close

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Financial Close

Northland Power Inc and RWE Innogy announced that ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Financing Agreement

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Financing Agreement

Northland has raised $231m through a public offeri... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Financing Agreement

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Financing Agreement

Northland acquired $150m which will be used to fun... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Other Approval

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Other Approval

On 31/10/2014 BSH revised the construction start m... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

There have been reports that the Senvion turbine m... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Financing Agreement

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Financing Agreement

RWE has approached the European Investment Bank (E... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Opened the tender for the design, fabrication, sup... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Opened up tendering for piling work. The scope inc... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Financing Agreement

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Financing Agreement

Awarded a maximum of EUR 70m funding under the NER... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Offtake Conditionally Secured

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Offtake Conditionally Secured

Under the EEG access to an offtake contract was av... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Grid Connection Agreed

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Grid Connection Agreed

Unconditional grid offer in place with TenneT.... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Site Exclusivity

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Site Exclusivity

On 4 April 2012, Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Consent Authorised

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Consent Authorised

On 4 April 2012, Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Announced a request for tender for the design, fab... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2011 Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2011

Event Type: Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Contract Notice: Preparation of the detailed desig... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2009 Consent Application Submitted

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2009

Event Type: Consent Application Submitted

The Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (Bund... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only

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