Events on Trianel Windpark Borkum I

Fully Commissioned
200MW Capacity
4C Offshore | Location Map: Lat(54.046) Lon(6.457)

Events overview for Trianel Windpark Borkum I

Event Date Event Type Event


Event Source
Subscribers Only Subscribers Only

Event Date: Subscribers Only

Event Type: Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2021 Cable

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2021

Event Type: Cable

Trianel has initiated a tender for subsea works on... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2020 Turbine Service Agreement Expires

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2020

Event Type: Turbine Service Agreement Expires

The five-year OEM service agreement will expire ar... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2020 Foundation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2020

Event Type: Foundation

Trianel Wiindpark Borkum has issued a tender for s... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2020 Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2020

Event Type: Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Trianel Windkraftwerk Borkum GmbH issued a tender ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2020 Health and Safety

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2020

Event Type: Health and Safety

CTV Njord Forseti reported a collision with a wind... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2019 Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2019

Event Type: Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Trianel Windkraftwerk Borkum GmbH and Co. KG has i... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2019 Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2019

Event Type: Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Trianel wind power plant Borkum GmbH & Co. KG has ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2019 Other

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2019

Event Type: Other

Trianel issued a tender on 1st October 2019 for co... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2019 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2019

Event Type: Turbine

SkySpecs carried out inspections of the wind turbi... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2018 Export Cable

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2018

Event Type: Export Cable

A cable fault occurred in the three-phase connecti... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2017 Export Cable

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2017

Event Type: Export Cable

A cable fault occurred in the three-phase connecti... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2017 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2017

Event Type: Turbine

Jack up vessel Neptune arrived on site to support ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2016 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2016

Event Type: Turbine

Heavy maintenance work was carried out on turbine ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2016 Performance Monitoring

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2016

Event Type: Performance Monitoring

After 6 months in operation the wind farm had a 90... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2016 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2016

Event Type: Turbine

Brave Tern was on site during March to carry out h... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2016 Performance Monitoring

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2016

Event Type: Performance Monitoring

In January the wind farm produced 95.12GWh, the hi... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Fully Commissioned

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Fully Commissioned

The wind farm was inaugurated. Johannes Remmel, Mi... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Grid Connection Available

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Grid Connection Available

DolWin1 was fully commissioned, meaning Trianel ha... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Array Cable

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Array Cable

VBMS completed the repair of an inter-array cable ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Generating Power

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Generating Power

Following the commissioning of the last turbine, a... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Array Cable

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Array Cable

VBMS completed the repair of an inter-array cable ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Final Testing

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Final Testing

A total of 20 of the 40 turbines were commissioned... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Generating Power

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Generating Power

First power took place (was summer 2014), due to d... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Grid Connection Available

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Grid Connection Available

Permanent power connection was successfully establ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Final Testing

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Final Testing

Trial operations and testing of transformer substa... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Array Cable

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Array Cable

Array cable installation was completed with all 43... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Turbine

The turbine installation was completed. It took 11... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Turbine

The 39th turbine was installed, with the final tur... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Turbine

28 of the 40 turbines were installed.... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Turbine

25 of the 40 turbines have been installed.... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Array Cable

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Array Cable

75% of the array cabling has been installed.... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Turbine

20 of the 40 Areva turbines have now been installe... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Tender for the supply of accommodation and crew tr... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Other

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Other

Due to TenneT's delay in supplying the grid connec... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Turbine

13 turbines have been fully installed.... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Array Cable

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Array Cable

Array cable installation was originally scheduled ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Offshore Substation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Offshore Substation

The offshore substation and associated jacket foun... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Turbine

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Turbine

Over a two-day period, the first turbine was insta... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Procurement Process (Supply Chain)

The tender is for diving services including vessel... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Array Cable

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Array Cable

Technip Offshore Wind started offshore operations ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Foundation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Foundation

Foundation installation complete: the last of the ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Offshore Substation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Offshore Substation

The offshore substation installation was completed... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Production, fabrication, transport and pre-assembly

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Production, fabrication, transport and pre-assembly

All the components for the turbines have been pre-... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Financing Agreement

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Financing Agreement

A further EIB signature date of €5,487,461 on 6th... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Foundation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Foundation

Currently 21 of 40 foundations are installed.... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Other

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Other

The 40 wind turbines have been shipped to Eemshave... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Foundation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Foundation

The transformer foundation was loaded onto the Vik... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Foundation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Foundation

20 tripod foundations installed, a further 3 expec... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Other

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Other

Trianel filed a suit against TenneT due to delays ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Site Investigation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Site Investigation

Geophysical Surveying with multibeam, side scan so... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Offtake Conditionally Secured

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Offtake Conditionally Secured

Under the EEG access to an offtake contract was av... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Grid Connection Agreed

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Grid Connection Agreed

Unconditional grid offer in place with TenneT.... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Foundation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Foundation

Update: 10 tripods of 600-800 tonnes (direct comms... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Offshore Substation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Offshore Substation

The substation was installed in July 2012.... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Foundation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Foundation

Foundation installation started in June 2012.... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Foundation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Foundation

Update: Prepiling by Geosea's Goliath is now compl... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Production, fabrication, transport and pre-assembly

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Production, fabrication, transport and pre-assembly

20 turbines have been delivered by Areva to the po... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Other

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Other

Update: 26 of 40 pre-piles installed.... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2011 Foundation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2011

Event Type: Foundation

Prepiling of foundations started.... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2010 Financing Agreement

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2010

Event Type: Financing Agreement

The Environmental Investment Bank (EIB) to provide... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2010 Financial Close

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2010

Event Type: Financial Close

Financial Close. The European Investment Bank and ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2008 Site Exclusivity

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2008

Event Type: Site Exclusivity

Consent authorisation was given by the Federal Mar... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2008 Consent Authorised

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2008

Event Type: Consent Authorised

Consent authorisation was given by the Federal Mar... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2006 Consent Application Submitted

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2006

Event Type: Consent Application Submitted

Date of application to authorities.... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only

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