Méditerranée II

Development Zone
250 MW Capacity
01 Apr 2024: Update March 2024: Expected tender criteria for AO6 Maximum aid budget of €4.12 billion over 20 years for an assumed market price of €36/MWh - less than 1/3 mobilized if electricity price at €100/MWh or difference of €30 /MWh between purchase price and average electricity prices Scoring criteria (out of 100 points): 1) The economic and financial value of the offer (75) - Price (70) - Robustness of the contractual and financial arrangemen (5) 2) Taking environmental issues into account (13) - Max num turbines (1) - Minimum amount that the Applicant undertakes to allocate (a) to EU ERC measures and environmental monitoring of the - Project excluding Decommissioning and (b) to the Biodiversity Fund (8) - Maximization of the rate of recycling, reuse or reuse of blades.(2) - Maximizing the rate of recycling, reuse or reuse of generator magnets. (2) 3) Taking into account social and territorial development issues (12) - Share of study and installation services that the Candidate undertakes to have carried out by SMEs.(4) - Share of upkeep, maintenance and operating services that the Candidate undertakes to have carried out by SMEs.(2) - Amount of financing or participative financing proposed for the installation.(2) - Commitments regarding the professional integration of people experiencing particular social or professional difficulties. (4) Other important aspects of the specifications - The 2 winners will be distinct - Maximum aid budget of €4.12 billion over 20 years for an assumed market price of €36/MWh - less than 1/3 mobilized if electricity price at €100/MWh or difference of €30 /MWh between purchase price and average electricity prices Criteria for admissibility of offers: - the power of each installation; - the maximum amount of the reference rate requested; - the maximum number of wind turbines proposed; - the minimum rate of recycling, reuse or re-use of blades, generator magnets, floats, anchors, masts and nacelles used for the project; - the minimum share of services for SMEs - the maximum threshold for the carbon assessment of the installation; - the maximum threshold of the carbon footprint of transport on site during maintenance; Update April 2023: Specifications for the tender are expected in September 2023 with awards delayed to April 2024. Award is expected in 2024, with tender taking place in end-2023, as of February 2023.
4C Offshore | Location Map: Lat(43.080) Lon(4.606)

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