Events on Navitus Bay Wind Park

United Kingdom
970MW Capacity
4C Offshore | Location Map: Lat(50.462) Lon(-1.757)

Events overview for Navitus Bay Wind Park

Event Date Event Type Event


Event Source
Subscribers Only Subscribers Only

Event Date: Subscribers Only

Event Type: Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2021 Grid Connection Available

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2021

Event Type: Grid Connection Available

368MW of grid connection would have been available... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2020 Grid Connection Available

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2020

Event Type: Grid Connection Available

368MW of grid connection would have been available... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2020 Other

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2020

Event Type: Other

The Mid Dorset and North Poole Liberal Democrats h... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2019 Offshore Construction Starts

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2019

Event Type: Offshore Construction Starts

Offshore construction for the Navitus Bay project ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2018 Grid Connection Available

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2018

Event Type: Grid Connection Available

368MW of grid connection would have been available... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2016 Financial Close

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2016

Event Type: Financial Close

The Final Investment Decisions for all three phase... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Cancellation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Cancellation

Navitus Bay development decided not to challenge t... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Consent Declined/Withdrawn

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Consent Declined/Withdrawn

Lord Bourne of Aberystwyth refused the application... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Other

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Other

Navitus Bay wind farm has returned 79% of it's ori... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Met Mast/LiDAR

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Met Mast/LiDAR

Between the 14-24th July Fugro serviced the Wind L... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Other Approval

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Other Approval

PINS made their recommendation to the Secretary of... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Other Approval

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Other Approval

Examination by PINS closed. PINS will take 3 month... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2015 Other Approval

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2015

Event Type: Other Approval

PINS accepted the slimmed down 630MW alternative p... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Other

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Other

New Forest District Council decided not to launch ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Other

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Other

Purbeck District Council, which has no onshore inf... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Site Investigation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Site Investigation

Drilling of bore holes into the sea bed and extrac... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Site Investigation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Site Investigation

Horizon Geosciences performed site investigations ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Other

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Other

The project was unanimously objected to by Dorset ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Consent Application Submitted

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Consent Application Submitted

The submission for consent for all three phases wa... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2014 Feasibility Study

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2014

Event Type: Feasibility Study

The Front End Engineering & Design (FEED) study th... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Geotechnical Site Investigation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Geotechnical Site Investigation

Geotechnical coring on approximately 22 locations ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Other Approval

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Other Approval

The developer has been granted an electricity gene... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Other Approval

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Other Approval

Electricity generation licence was granted.... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2013 Met Mast/LiDAR

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2013

Event Type: Met Mast/LiDAR

The met mast installation was originally scheduled... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Strategy or Policy Development

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Strategy or Policy Development

As a direct result of discussions with statutory c... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Other Application Submitted

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Other Application Submitted

Navitus Bay Development Ltd applied for an electri... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Other Approval

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Other Approval

The met mast application has been approved by the ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2012 Other Application Submitted

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2012

Event Type: Other Application Submitted

Submitted an application to install a met mast 8 m... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2011 Site Investigation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2011

Event Type: Site Investigation

Exploratory drilling to investigate onshore cable ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2011 Site Investigation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2011

Event Type: Site Investigation

Start of a new geophysical survey of the site.... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2010 Site Investigation

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2010

Event Type: Site Investigation

Start of geophysical surveys of the zone and cable... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2010 Site Exclusivity

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2010

Event Type: Site Exclusivity

On the 8th Jan 2010 The Crown Estate, landlord of ... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only
Explorer Insights Only 2008 Offtake/Site Tender or Process

Event Date: Explorer Insights Only 2008

Event Type: Offtake/Site Tender or Process

Proposals for Round 3.... Subscribers Only

Subscribers Only

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