Offshore Wind Farms in Denmark

Denmark has System.Data.DataRow offshore wind farm projects of which System.Data.DataRow currently operating, System.Data.DataRow where construction has progressed enough to connect the turbines and generate electricity, System.Data.DataRow are in the build phase, and none are either consented or have applied for consent. You can access over 80 data sets on each wind farm subject to your access level and drill down to see items such as:

How does the database work?

4C Offshore marine intelligence software provides you with exclusive access to a range of specialised services including the Offshore Substation Database. 4C Offshore grants you exclusive access to online and offline databases, reports, newsletters, online tools and more.

There are three levels of access: Free, Freemium and Full. Freemium allows you to personalise notifications, use the search function and access more data.

You will need Full access to use the 4C Offshore interactive system, access reports, updates, news, downloads and more. To find out more about how 4C Offshore software works and the benefits of Full access, enquire below.

Windfarms Overview



Owner Project Status

Project Name: Samsø

Owner: Wind Estate A / S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Grenaa Havn


Project Status:

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Project Name: Horns Rev 1

Owner: Ørsted A/S (formerly DONG Energy AS),Vattenfall Europe Windkraft GmbH

Project Status:

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Project Name: Rønland

Owner: Thyborøn-Harboøre Vindmøllelaug I/S,Harboøre Møllelaug I/S,Vindenergi Aps

Project Status:

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Project Name: Tunø Knob

Owner: Eurowind Energy Ltd.

Project Status:

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Project Name: Vindeby

Owner: Ørsted A/S (formerly DONG Energy AS)

Project Status:

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Project Name: Nysted

Owner: PensionDanmark,Ørsted A/S (formerly DONG Energy AS),Stadtwerke Lübeck GmbH

Project Status:

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Project Name: Middelgrunden

Owner: Middelgrundens Vindmollelaug,HOFOR

Project Status:

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Project Name: Frederikshavn

Owner: Eurowind Energy Ltd.

Project Status:

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Project Name: Bornholm I


Project Status:

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Project Name: Bornholm II


Project Status:

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Project Name: Hesselø


Project Status:

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Project Name: Kattegat II


Project Status:

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Project Name: Nordsøen I - A3


Project Status:

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Project Name: Kadet Banke

Owner: Wind Estate A / S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Paludan Flak

Owner: Wind Estate A / S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Treå Møllebugt

Owner: Wind Estate A / S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Nordsøen - Tender 1


Project Status:

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Project Name: Nordsøen - Tender 3


Project Status:

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Project Name: Nordsøen - Tender 2


Project Status:

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Project Name: Nordsøen - Tender 4


Project Status:

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Project Name: Nordsøen - Tender 5


Project Status:

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Project Name: Horns Rev 2

Owner: Ørsted A/S (formerly DONG Energy AS)

Project Status:

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Project Name: Rødsand 2

Owner: SEAS-NVE Energy Group,RWE Renewables

Project Status:

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Project Name: Sprogø

Owner: European Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Anholt

Owner: Ørsted A/S (formerly DONG Energy AS),Pensionskassernes Administration (PKA) A/S,PensionDanmark

Project Status:

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Project Name: Gedser Rev


Project Status:

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Project Name: Avedøre Holme

Owner: Ørsted A/S (formerly DONG Energy AS),Hvidovre vindmøllelaug A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: DanTysk DK

Owner: GEO (Gesellschaft für Energie und Oekologie) mbh

Project Status:

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Project Name: Læsø


Project Status:

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Project Name: Omo Stalgrunde


Project Status:

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Project Name: Horns Rev 3

Owner: Vattenfall AB

Project Status:

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Project Name: Nordsøen - Tender 6


Project Status:

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Project Name: Nordsøen - Tender 7


Project Status:

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Project Name: Nordsøen - Tender 8


Project Status:

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Project Name: Nordsøen - Tender 9


Project Status:

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Project Name: Nordsøen - Tender 10


Project Status:

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Project Name: Bornholm


Project Status:

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Project Name: Hesselø Nedskaleret


Project Status:

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Project Name: Hanstholm


Project Status:

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Project Name: Lolland Syd

Owner: European Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Stevns

Owner: European Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Falster

Owner: European Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Ærø Demonstration

Owner: H2mill ApS

Project Status:

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Project Name: Vikinge Banke

Owner: Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners,Ørsted Wind Power A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Odin

Owner: Copenhagen Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Thybo

Owner: Total Energies

Project Status:

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Project Name: Freya

Owner: Copenhagen Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Jyske Banke Nord

Owner: Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners,Ørsted Wind Power A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Thybo II

Owner: Total Energies

Project Status:

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Project Name: Hanstholm Syd

Owner: European Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Bøchers Banke

Owner: Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners

Project Status:

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Project Name: Læsø

Owner: Andel Holding A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Gjerrild Bugt

Owner: Wind Estate A / S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Norddjurs

Owner: European Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Thor

Owner: RWE AG

Project Status:

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Project Name: Stokkebro

Owner: Andel Holding A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Gilleleje

Owner: Andel Holding A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Bornholm Bassin Øst

Owner: Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners,Ørsted Wind Power A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Bornholm Bassin Syd

Owner: Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners,Ørsted Wind Power A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Femern Bugt

Owner: Copenhagen Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Lolland

Owner: Andel Holding A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Vigsø Bay

Owner: Vattenfall AB

Project Status:

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Project Name: Hirtshals Havn

Owner: European Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Frederikshavn Nord

Owner: European Energy A/S

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Project Name: Grenaa

Owner: Vattenfall AB

Project Status:

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Project Name: Lysegrund

Owner: Wind Estate A / S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Stevns Nord

Owner: European Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Guldborgsund

Owner: European Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Rømø

Owner: European Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Klintebjerg

Owner: Andel Holding A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Sønderbjerg

Owner: Andel Holding A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Hirtshals Havn Syd

Owner: European Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Guldborgsund Syd

Owner: European Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Femern

Owner: European Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Nordsøen I - A1


Project Status:

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Project Name: Nordsøen I - A2


Project Status:

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Project Name: M1

Owner: GreenGo Energy

Project Status:

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Project Name: M2

Owner: GreenGo Energy

Project Status:

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Project Name: M3

Owner: GreenGo Energy

Project Status:

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Project Name: Kriegers Flak

Owner: Vattenfall AB

Project Status:

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Project Name: M4

Owner: GreenGo Energy

Project Status:

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Project Name: Rønne Bakke

Owner: EnergiØst

Project Status:

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Project Name: Nissum Bredning Vind

Owner: Nissum Brednings Vindmøllelaug I/S,Jysk Energi A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Kriegers Flak III

Owner: Skyborn Renewables GmbH (formerly wpd)

Project Status:

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Project Name: Poseidon P37

Owner: Floating Power Plant A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Vesterhav Nord/Syd

Owner: Vattenfall Europe AG

Project Status:

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Project Name: Mejlflak

Owner: European Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Jammerland Bugt

Owner: European Energy A/S,Total Energies

Project Status:

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Project Name: Omø Syd

Owner: European Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Jammerbugten

Owner: European Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Jammerbugten Nord

Owner: European Energy A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Lillebælt Syd (Lillegrund)

Owner: Sønderborg Forsyning A/S,European Energy A/S,Total Energies

Project Status:

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Project Name: Rønland Havvindmøllepark

Owner: Rønland Havvindmøllepark A/S

Project Status:

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Project Name: Nordre Flint

Owner: HOFOR

Project Status:

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Project Name: Aflandshage

Owner: HOFOR

Project Status:

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